Tuesday 8 October 2013

NHS 24

NHS 24

Over this year I have had the misfortune to have to phone NHS 24. It would drive you insane trying to get help. Every time you phone you have to repeat the same information. Basically you have to give some call handler you life story, then if they put you through to a nurse you have to repeat the same information. They ask you a series of safety questions. Can you believe it, they ask if you are conscious and breathing. They seem incapable of storing any information, for instance if you phoned back the next day, you would have to given them all your personal information again.

Only an organisation so unaccountable as the NHS could dream up this. It always annoys me to hear politicians telling us how wonderful the nurses and doctors are. It is evident that none of them has spent a night in a hospital or waited to be seen in Accident and Emergency