Tuesday 24 May 2016


The European Union is by far the largest market for British businesses, if we leave we will make it much harder for these businesses to export to Europe, there will be many new obstacles put in their way. There will be years of re-negotiations  which will add much uncertainty. Furthermore the SNP have threatened another Independence Referendum if we leave. Can you imagine the uncertainty all this would cause?

Sunday 22 May 2016

European Referendum

I believe we should stay in the European Union. It was formed after the end of World War 2, as a way of preventing any more wars in Europe. Millions of people died in two wars fought among Europeans. If you look back in history there have been many wars fought in Europe. The idea behind the European Union was to prevent wars by having a parliament where countries could settle disputes. Since the EU was formed we have had no more major wars in Europe which can only be a good thing.

Saturday 7 May 2016

I decided to try the NHS complaints system as I find it very difficult to get to clinics. I was told that consultants are far too busy to do home visits. The consultant manages to take the whole of Friday off to run his private clinic, does that sound like he is rushed off his feet?  They earn well over£100,000 but only have to work 4 days a week and are allowed to run their own private businesses. Nice job.