Sunday 19 June 2016

The European referendum and Scottish Independence

If Britain leaves the European Union you can be 100% certain that Nicola Sturgeon will call another Scottish Independence Referendum. This time the Nationalists are likely to win because they will promise to take Scotland back into Europe. So a vote to leave Europe is likely to lead to the breakup of the United Kingdom.

Friday 10 June 2016

European Union benefits

It seems to a bit small minded to want to leave the European Union. The internet is breaking down barriers and giving people chances to travel and do business in any country. Young people are working and travelling to Europe. Lets not forget that it was the French and Germans who warned us not to invade Iraq, If we leave Europe we will inevitably have to rely more on the USA. Looking at who is the likely next President, Donald Trump, that could be risky for Britain.

Thursday 2 June 2016

Remain campaign

The European Union has done a lot to help protect our environment. They have helped protect honey bees. They have brought rules to stop use of pesticides. Several British cities have been fined for having high levels of air pollution and doing little about it. Do you think the British government would have done these thing? I don't, I was a city councillor and saw how little our government cares about the environment.