Friday 27 January 2012

Scotland's Currency

The SNP are a bit confused about our finances. They seem to want to take us into the Euro. Can you imagine that? We would have a different currency than than the rest of Britain. Anyone who gets income from England, and that is most of us who have savings and many working people, would get paid in a foreign currency. Each time you visited England you would have to change money. England is the biggest market for many Scottish businesses. That would not help business.
We would not be independent if we joined the Euro. Look at Greece, they have to do exactly what the Germans and French tell them. Look what happened to Ireland. In contrast, the UK Parliament lets us decide our spending plans.
If we remained in Sterling, we would lose all influence over exchange rates and interest rates. Also, if we got into financial problems, there would be no bail outs from the Bank of England

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